Gärten statt Müllplätze

Salt River, Kapstadt | Salt River, Cape Town

In Kapstadt unterstützen wir die Salt River Nature Park-Community.
Es geht darum, Müllplätze in Gärten zu verwandeln – in Gemüsegärten, Obstgärten, Blumengärten …


A Foundation from Germany supports a community in Saltriver, Cape Town, South Africa: To create a garden. To let grow plants instead of having dump place. It can be Clean & beautiful

We can learn to understand: water . plants . soil
And we all can meet there.

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Filme und Fotos: Christian Doll, Nadja Agherdine, Salt River Nature Park-Community

“For the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.
Call it power of collectivity.
Call it a principle of success.
Call it a law of life.“

In Zusammenarbeit mit BAZ-ART Organisation

The fact remains, “None of us truly wins, until we all win.”